1. What is BizWorldUSA.com?
BizWorldUSA.com is the best business portal available in the market that connects sellers, buyers, business intermediaries, lenders, and other business professionals that want to sell or buy a business or business related services.
2. Why should I use BizWorldUSA.com?
BizWorldUSA.com is a highly secure and safe local business portal with the world’s best tools for marketing which help you sell your listed businesses and your business professional services.
3. Who are BizWorldUSA.com members?
Business owners/sellers, business buyers, business brokers, agents, business escrow companies, business advisers, business lenders, financial advisers, business marketing personal, franchising companies, and other business related professionals who are directly or indirectly involved in buying and selling businesses.
4. Do I need to register to use these BizWorldUSA.com business portal services to market my listed businesses for sale and my business professional service offerings?
Yes, in order to post your listed businesses for sale and your business professional service advertisements you have to register first. Once you register with BizWorldUSA.com, you can post your businesses for sale and your professional service advertisements whenever you want.
5. How can I activate after registration?
BizWorldUSA.com will send an activation link to your email address. Please click the attached link and your registration will be activated.
6. What will happen if I forget my password?
Do not worry or panic. You can just send an email to BizWorldUSA.com and we will send the password to your email address.
7. Is my registration information secure?
Yes, your information is absolutely secure. We do not share your personal information with any third parties. However, if you do opt to receive information from sellers, buyers, brokers, lenders, franchisers, and other third parties, they will contact you via the method you’ve chosen. Also, if you wish to receive other BizWorldUSA.com offerings, those people involved will have access to your information. To know more about the privacy, advertisement policy, and other company policies, please read the policies, terms, and conditions of the website. If you have further questions, please send an email to privacy@Bizworldusa.com
8. What fees do I have to pay to post an advertisement for my business for sale or my professional services?
Various programs are available on BizWorldUSA.com. You can verify all programs and fee structures under “Advertise with Us.” You will be charged based on the programs you sign up for. You can also read the terms and conditions before paying the fees and using the services.
9. How long will my advertisements be active?
Currently BizWorldUSA.com is offering the minimum time frame to sell your business advertisement starts from 2 months with a maximum period of 6 months and for business professional service advertisement the starts from 6 moths with a maximum period of 36 months.
10. How many advertisement levels does BizWorldUSA.com offer?
Currently BizWorldUSA.com has three subscription levels: Standard, Premier, and Platinum. You can opt for whatever suits you.
11. Can I upgrade my subscription level?
Yes, you can upgrade your level whenever and wherever you want. To upgrade, just log in to BizWorldUSA.com and select the level you want to upgrade to and follow the directions. You will be charged for the upgrade based on the level and duration you opt for.
12. Can I post more than one business or service advertisement?
Yes, you can post as many as you wish.
13. Do I have to pay a separate fee for each advertisement?
Each advertisement is charged separately and such fees will be charged based on the level and duration of the advertisement.
14. Is there an auto renewal program?
Currently, BizWorldUSA.com does not offer an auto renewal program. At the expiry of your advertisement, you have to login and renew it.
15. How do I renew my advertisement?
BizWorldUSA.com will send a reminder email to you before the expiry of your current advertisement. Just log in to your BizWorldUSA.com account, go to your homepage, and select the advertisement column. There you will see an icon/button for renewals. Please click on that button and follow the directions.
16. What is the BizWorldUSA.com cancellation policy?
You can see the cancellation policy information under the terms and conditions of the website. Please read and understand all terms and conditions before using BizWorldUSA.com services.
17. What is the refund policy?
BizWorldUSA.com’s refund policy is clearly explained in detail in the terms and conditions. Please read the terms and conditions in detail before paying any fees.
18. What is the method of payment?
BizWorldUSA.com offers three types of payment: 1. Credit/debit, 2. ACH payment,
3. PayPal. The BizWorldUSA.com payment gateway holding company is in another country so you will see the US dollar fee converted to that country’s currency. Please read all terms and conditions before using the BizWorldUSA.com web services.
19. How long does BizWorldUSA.com take to activate my businesses for sale or business professional service advertisements?
Usually we activate and make ads available immediately upon payment confirmation. If you do not see your ad, you can email our team and they will take care of it immediately.
20. What should I do if BizWorldUSA.com emails go to my spam folder
Just log in to your email account, check the Spam folder, and mark any BizWorldUSA.com emails as “safe” or “not junk.”
21. How does BizWorldUSA.com bring traffic to the portal?
BizWorldUSA.com is one of the top business portals on Google, Yahoo, and other search engines. Their search engine results show BizWorldUSA.com as the best and most trusted site to buy businesses. We have a top position on search engines and also the GoDaddy web portal promote us as a secure site. BizWorldUSA.com is also doing radio talk shows, broker opinions, franchiser opinions, business intermediary professional opinions, blogs, forums, RSS, news, tips, and business news and articles to attract users to the site.
22. Why is BizWorldUSA.com helping me to make available my businesses for sale and my business professional services?
This portal helps you market your listed businesses for sale and your business professional service offerings which increase your business. Professionals spend thousands of dollars to promote themselves to increase their business and sell businesses effectively, but returns are less and it takes too much time to sell a business. To take out all obstacles, to save you tons of money, and to help your success, BizWorldUSA.com created a powerful business search engine to market your listed businesses for sale and business professional service offerings within a community of people who are waiting to buy a business and looking for your services.
23. What is meant by marketing versus success?
Key to success is effective marketing. No matter what, all businesses require effective marketing to sell and run a successful business. The tools for effective marketing are content, pictures, audio and video. Effective marketing with great and new tools can help you increase the chances of selling of your listed business and to promote your business professional service offerings for the success of your business. World sales reports show 99% of businesses that are sold or doing great business, irrespective of the market conditions, are practicing effective marketing. BizWorldUSA.com offers effective tools to market yourself for your great success.
24. What is meant by market platform?
BizWorldUSA.com brings all the available resources, such as brokers, lenders, buyers, sellers, intermediaries, vendors, franchisors, etc., into one community. This common platform gives an opportunity for community members to see and exchange services, products, offerings, etc. to develop our business community.
25. How can I use the platform to grow my business?
This is a one-stop shop platform and the ideal place to sell your listed business and promote your business professional services to reach your target community.
26. What are the differences between the local search versus general search?
There are a lot of business portals available in the market which are unable to fulfill your desired object, such as selling your listed business and offering of your professional services. Their vague and unwanted search results don’t show your advertisements, and if even if they do, it’s on the bottom page which never makes it to the user’s attention. On BizWorldUSA.com the user can short list their business service needs such as who they want, where they want, when they want, etc. and in all cases your business listing for sale and your professional offering advertisement will be the among the first in your area.
27. What are the differences between the restrictions versus freedom advertisements?
Most portals and media charge huge amounts of money, but they put restrictions on marketing material such as content, logos, photos, address, etc. For each change, you have to call them and the work has to be done by them. Here, you have freedom to access, edit, and add by yourself. With BizWorldUSA.com you have 24/7 access and you can add or delete your content/audio files/video files without calling anyone. This is a user-friendly community portal giving you direct access to make all necessary changes 24/7. You can make these changes as many times as you want at no extra cost.
28. How can I verify/monitor/track my advertisement?
You can just log in to your account and go to your advertisement and there you will see the views/history. Just click on the tab and you will see the number of visitors, including the locations and time of view. This is real time data that you can access from anywhere, and with that data you can identify from where you are getting calls, hits, and mail.
29. How can I verify that email I received from a BizWorldUSA.com user was sent by the client?
All emails sent from the site go directly to your registered email account. You can also see the emails on BizWorldUSA.com. To see on BizWorldUSA.com, you need to log in to your account and go to your advertisement and there you will see the email icon. Just click on that icon and you will see the number of emails you have received from clients, including the locations and time sent. This is real time data that you can access on BizWorldUSA.com whenever you want to read your email.
30. How can I create my sale listing or my business professional service offering advertisement
Once your registration is activated, you can select “Post Ad” and select the type of advertisement, and from there, BizWorldUSA.com will guide you to create your business for sale listing and business service offering advertisement. You fill out the appropriate information in the relevant fields and submit.
31. Do advertisements have to be approved by BizWorldUSA.com?
Yes, all new and edited advertisements have to be approved by BizWorldUSA.com for the safety and benefit of the society.
32. Do all edits have to be approved by BizWorldUSA.com?
Yes, all edits have to be approved by BizWorldUSA.com for the safety and security of the community.
33. How can I deactivate, delete, or remove my listed businesses for sale or my business professional service listing from the BizWorldUSA.com portal?
You can log in to your BizWorldUSA.com account and you can deactivate, delete, or remove your business sale listing 24/7.
34. What are the best tools I can add to create my business for sale or my professional service offering ad?
The experts say three things:
1. For all written content you add all salient features of your listed business for sale and your business service and your specializations. The information should be concise, informative, and attractive.
- 2. For all audio clips talk about the greatness of your listed businesses and your services, experiences, specializations, special services, unique services, etc. It is always a good idea to talk in more than one language to attract different communities.
- 3. For all video clips show your office, dress up professionally, and talk about the business for sale or your business service, such as your specialty, offering, etc. You can also use this tool to emphasize certain important areas where you are strong and unique and add as many marking points as possible in the video clip.
35. How can I edit my listed business for sale and my professional service offering advertisement material?
BizWorldUSA.com proudly offers 24/7 access. You can log in to your BizWorldUSA.com account and go to your home page and open your advisement list. In each advertisement you can see an icon for editing. Just click that icon and edit whatever you want. You can change some or all of your material at one time, or as many times as you wish. This facility applies for all the features, including audio and video clips.
36. Can I add my service fees structure, payment methods, etc. in the advertisement?
Experts say not to reveal your fees. However, you can say my prices are very competitive or my fees are better than others or my fees are the lowest in the market, or you can say that you offer coupons, promotions, etc.
37. Can I impose the terms and conditions for my listed businesses for sale and my professional service offerings?
There is no law or restriction prohibiting doing so. This is solely at your discretion and the possibility of liability arises on the promotions and services. Discuss with your attorney and they will guide you on what to add and what not to add.
38. Can I add my own agreement?
Yes, you can add your own agreement. However, talk with your attorney and ask them to prepare a service agreement or representation agreement or confidential agreement to protect you and your services.
39. How many photos can I upload and what file size can I upload for my advertisements?
Currently BizWorldUSA.com offers four photos/pictures on a business sale advertisement and one photos/pictures for business professional service advertisements. The max size of each file is 300 KB. The file types are JPEG/GIF/PNG.
40. Is it mandatory to upload photos?
It is not mandatory. If you wish you can add pictures.
41. How many audio clips I can upload and what file size I can upload for my advertisements?
Currently BizWorldUSA.com offers only one audio clip per advertisement with a max file size of 5 MB. Usually this covers anywhere between 3 to 5 minutes of recording.
42. What are the marketing factors I need to explain on the audio content?
It is a great opportunity talk about the greatness of your listed business, future growth, and salient feature of the business. If possible, have a seller interview regarding the greatness of the business and also tell about your business services, past achievements, and what specialties you have. If needed, you can use multiple languages to target the desired community.
43. Can I replace my audio clip?
Yes, you can access it 24/7. Just log in to your BizWorldUSA.com account and delete the old clips and add new clips. New content will be ready to use immediately.
44. Is it mandatory to use the audio tool?
It is not mandatory. If you wish, you can add or use the audio tool for your success.
45. How many video clips I can upload and what file size I can upload for my advertisements?
Currently BizWorldUSA.com is offering only one video clip per advertisement with a max file size of 5 MB. Usually this covers anywhere between 45 to 60 seconds of recording.
46. What are the marketing things I need to add on the video column?
It is a great opportunity talk about the business, show the business area, have a seller interview, and talk about yourself and your business. Dress up professionally and talk about your business services, such as your specialty, offering, etc. You can also use this tool to emphasize certain important areas where you are strong and unique and add many marketing points in the video clips.
47. Is it mandatory to use the video tool?
It is not mandatory. If you wish, you can add or use the video tool.
48. In audio and video messages can I use my own language?
Yes, absolutely. You can use as many languages as you want.
49. Can I do a seller interview and post on the website?
Absolutely. This is great way to let the seller talk about the business. It not only attracts customers, it also reduces the liability since you as the seller are giving the business facts.
50. There are lots of disclosures and other legal forms on the site. Can I use them?
These are model forms for registered users which were prepared by our legal professionals. Our primary aim is to protect the brokers or agents who have a great risk of liability and are the first victims of lawsuits. Read the BizWorldUSA.com terms and conditions before using any forms.
51. Do I need to pay any fee to use these forms?
No. These are absolutely free for BizWorldUSA.com registered users.
52. How can I avoid fake buyers or third-party calls?
This is very simple. Ask the contacting party to sign your confidential agreements and request a valid photo ID. Also ask for a pre-approval letter or proof of funds before releasing business information. You could also ask them to send an email request from BizWorldUSA.com. The site will track the IP address of the sender and with that you will know whether the requester is true or fake. This can minimize fake calls.
53. My listed businesses for sale and my professional service offerings are targeted to a particular community. Can I use my own language via audio/video to reach the community?
Yes, you can use your own language as long as it is acceptable. If there are any abusive messages in the messages, BizWorldUSA.com will remove all audio/video from the listing without notice.
54. Will BizWorldUSA.com allow my business/personal website or logo and contact info to be posted?
Yes, you can post your website address and you can forward customers to your site where they can reach you directly if they wish.
55. Can I email my advertisement to my friends?
Yes, you can forward your advertisement to your friends as many times as you like.
56. Can I refer this site to my friends?
Absolutely, you can refer this site to your friends that may find it helpful.
57. I am interested to learn more about BizWorldUSA.com’s services. How can I get more information?
Send us an email at
help@bizworldusa.com or 510-556-1600 with all of your questions and we will contact you.